Saturday, April 25, 2009

Everything happens for a reason

I use the phrase "Everything happens for a reason" a lot because I think it is true. It has kind of become sort of a coping mechanism of sorts for me.

Occasionally, I drive around just to think which I know is kind of a waste of money, but if it results in clarity of mind, I find it totally worth it.

This evening as I was driving into the middle of nowhere, I started thinking about my major. I am a Psychology major and I don't plan on changing that. What has changed a lot though, is what I plan on doing with that degree. When I first thought about doing psychology back when I was in high school, I wanted to be a counselor. That has changed several times though. In fact, it has changed just this semester. The thing is though, the reason I wanted to be a counselor was because one of my friends freshman year came to me about everything and I realized I enjoyed giving advice and just being able to listen to people. In all honesty, the reason I know this person is so ridiculous and messed up that the only way that even begins to make sense that we are friends is because God is in control and everything happens for a reason.

I would be thankful for the friendship of this person had he not unknowingly steered me in this direction, but I am so thankful that God used such a seemingly random friendship to put me where I am supposed to be.

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