Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This evening when I was leaving work, my mom called to tell me that the side door in our garage had been broken. It turns out that somebody broke into our house. All that was taken (at least as far as we can tell) was $100 which is not a big deal in the scheme of things. Scratch that, my mom just informed me that she has three rings missing as well as 3 or so necklaces and a pair or two of earrings and a knife that is my dad's. There are so many things they could have taken that they didn't (computers, medicine, camera iPod, etc.) Furthermore these are material possessions. Honestly, I'd rather them take money than pictures. Of course that is easy for me to say because nothing of mine was stolen but had my computer been gone, I would be super thankful that I have two boxes of pictures in my room that contain many many memories. Mostly this evening, I am thankful that my mom and I weren't home when this happened and that we are safe. This could have potentially been SO much worse. I was home part of this afternoon. I could have potentially waited another week to begin working so I would have been home which would have been SO scary, even if they didn't have anything they could hurt me with. Even when things seem "bad" God is good and I know He was protecting us in so many ways; more than we know, I am sure.

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