Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yes! In ALL things

School is beginning to wind down for the semester (which I am so thankful for).

As I look back over the semester as a whole I have a lot to be thankful for.

This is the first semester since starting college that I have actually liked all of my teachers. I am thankful for that because it makes the class more interesting and makes it easier to learn the material.

At the beginning of the semester I was unbelievably nervous about my speech and debate class but I am thankful that it has actually not been that bad except for the whole getting up and speaking in front of people part. I know it could have been SO much worse than it has been.

One of the first weekends back at school was the weekend a pipe in the sprinkler system burst in the apartment and I keep coming back to that and how thankful I am that it was a pipe by the common room and not in any of the bedrooms because the damage would have been much worse since there are sprinklers directly above the desks in all four rooms and water + a computer is never good.

I am thankful for the time I have gotten to spend at home on various weekends and over spring break.

I am thankful that my car issue was a very simple fix. The wiring to the starter got messed up. They fixed it and I got it back Wednesday afternoon (it got towed Tuesday night). Also, I am thankful the repair costs were relatively cheep. In fact the parts only cost $4... The labor was a wee bit more expensive but regardless, it could have been the actual starter and that would have definitely cost a smidgen more than $4.

As I sit here typing this, I just glanced over at my laundry basket which is full of clean clothes and I am thankful that I not only have clothes but that I have the ability to wash my clothes on a regular basis.

It's easy for me to get so caught up in the busyness the last two weeks of class brings and in the hustle and bustle of preparing for finals that I forget how much I have to be thankful for. Like, you know, the fact that I have the opportunity to go to school.

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