Thursday, February 18, 2010

The sun and the moon

The Sun and the Moon is the title of a song by Mae and I do enjoy that song. However, I am currently really thankful that today I got to see the sun and the moon. I haven't seen either one in a few weeks now due to the seemingly continuous cloud cover. I watched the end of the sunset tonight, and it was beautiful. Life is beautiful.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I haven't written here in around ten months, I think. Lent started today and even though writing daily is not what I am doing for lent, it does go along with what I'm doing for lent in a way. I feel like reminding myself all I have to be thankful for will allow me to gain perspective, which is something I need desperately sometimes all the time.

For lent though, I have chosen to give up complaining. It has been a struggle today not to complain about things. All of them were insignificant and it would not help me in any way to complain about any of them. There were a couple times when I just had to say to myself "I will not complain, I will not complain, I will not complain." I pray that as lent goes on this will become more natural and I will not have to remind myself not to complain but that I will think less and less about the things I would normally complain about.